Diamond and Silk Interviewed Third Vice Chair Nicole Claibourn and First Vice Chair Maurice Washington of the Charleston County Republican Party’s leadership team of 2017
The face of the GOP is truly changing. The addition of two African American members to the Charleston County Republican Party Leadership Team of 2017 is a testament to the changing face of the GOP. Diamond and Silk interviewed Third Vice Chair Nicole Claibourn and First Vice Chair Maurice Washington to get some insight on what their visions are for the communities that they represent.
Nicole Claibourn, who was once a life-long Democrat, mentioned: “Being a Democrat did not allow me to have a voice.” Her inception into politics as a Republican was preceded by her active involvement in women’s Republican groups such as The National Federation of Republican Women. Claibourn was raised in a military family with a Dad who is a life-long Republican.
Claibourn defined conservative as a way of life that involves living by a set of principles followed by taking action. Her vision included a plan to work more at educating the African American community about what their rights are so that they will have an understanding of the rights they are fighting for.
First Vice Chair Maurice Washington of the Charleston County Republican Party Leadership Team stated: “I’ve been involved with GOP candidates since my college days.” He also mentioned, “I was jumpstarted into this life by Armstrong Williams and in college we worked to create a young Republican Party club.”
Washington was once a Democrat but considered himself more of an independent. However, upon becoming a Republican, he quickly became known as the “Black Republican!” Washington’s vision was evidenced in his remark, “I see potential for change at the local level from the bottom up.”
Washington put emphasis on the importance of being actively involved in the community by stating, “Staying involved within the community is the way to show African Americans what being a true Republican entails.” Washington still serves as the Senior Deacon at his Church where its members started a Food Bank committee. Washington says, “Staying in touch with your community gives the people an opportunity to see you in action rather than focus on how you are labeled as a politician.”
Diamond and Silk was honored to interview these two outstanding public servants and we look forward to hearing more about the good things that your leadership team accomplishes for the Republican candidates.
A special Congratulation to your whole Leadership team!
Chairman - Larry Kobrovsky
First Vice Chair - Maurice Washington
Second Vice Chair - Leah Whatley
Third Vice Chair - Nicole Claibourn
State Executive Committeeman - Mark Hartley
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