Jared Kushner, the senior adviser and son-in-law to President Donald J. Trump and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford held a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al – Abadi upon arrival in the Middle-Eastern Nation. The meeting took place in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. Kushner arrived in company of Gen. Joseph Dunford, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman and Thomas P. Bossert, a presidential assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism.
It is widely reported that Mr Kushner came at the invitation of Gen. Dunford to meet with with Iraqi leaders, senior U.S. advisors, and visit with U.S. forces in the field to receive an update on the status of the counter-ISIS campaign in Iraq and Syria amidst of ongoing investigation into civilian deaths in an area of Mosul near the site of an air-strike by U.S.-led coalition forces last month. Details of Kushner’s visit were initially kept under the wraps as it is with all top government officials for security reasons. Mr. Kushner was also given the task of evoke a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians although he has no previous experience as a diplomat or government official.
The visit of Kushner, who is the husband of President Trump’s oldest daughter, Ivanka is to further reassure Iraq of the United States readiness to provide support in its quest to conquer security challenges. This came just two weeks after al-Abadi stated he has been given the assurance by President Donald Trump that the U.S. will step up its support for Iraq, in its struggle against the Islamic State group.
Diamond and Silk Opinion
We love it! We don’t mind the president sending one of his advisors to meet with Iraq officials. The left keeps saying why didn’t he send the Secretary of State? We answer that with: Because he sent an advisor….Enough said! It’s time for the left to get with the program and understand; this administration is using a common sense approach to move the agenda forward and get some things done. This president is not afraid to go against the norm just the show the US strength and Courage. We understand that administrations in the past have sent Secretary of States to handle issues but what they need to recognize; we have a new administration called the Trump administration…………….He can send who he want to send to Iraq! “BOOM!
By Diamond and Silk ~Published
In his speech to Congress on Tuesday night, President Donald Trump criticized Democrats for their unrelenting partisanship, encouraging them to put the nation above politics and denouncing their unwillingness to acknowledge America's accomplishments.