Breaking: Lawmakers Press for Grand Jury Investigation of the CDC for Covid-19 Statistical Manipulation

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Finally, after almost two years of fear-mongering reports from the CDC, it looks like lawmakers are now taking a stand against the CDC by pressing for a grand jury investigation into alleged statistical manipulation by the public health body, according to a Trending Politics article. Surprisingly, Oregon state Senators Kim Thatcher and Dennis Linthicum, representatives of a state with the most heavy handed Covid policies in the nation, filed the petition to the grand jury. The petition’s aim is to encourage the grand jury to look into the CDC’s unlawful ‘hyperinflation of death certificate reporting.’

The petition was launched in mid-August and delayed until mid-September to protect those involved, according to the petitioners Stand for Health Freedom (SHF). After months of being in the making, the SHF released its letter to the Honorable Scott E. Asphaug, U.S. Attorney for the District of Oregon, which stated”:

“What we have learned is worthy of independent State and/or Special Federal Grand Jury Investigation from our vantage point as elected state policy makers. Pursuant to 18 U.S. Code § 3332 – Powers and Duties and the case law cited within the Formal Grand Jury Petition, we respectfully request that the petition and preliminary supportive documentation be presented to the members of the grand jury we are petitioning for immediate deliberation. Public trust in elected officials, the Oregon Health Authority, and our ability to lead the resilient people of Oregon through this crisis has been eroded to an all-time low. The peoples’ trust in their ability to participate in their own governance and be heard by their elected officials is perhaps the most essential element for a thriving free and healthy society. As elected officials it is our sworn duty to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Oregon, the tenets of Informed Consent, and honor our legal obligation to comply with 18 U.S. Code § 4 – Misprision of felony. We are fulfilling our duty by calling for a Special Federal Grand Jury Investigation, or at the very least an independent state district-led grand jury investigation convened by a judge, into the issues and evidentiary materials presented.”

Now let’s just hope we finally see some accountability for the CDC’s alleged unlawful and questionable changes to death certificates related to COVID. 

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