Did Fauci & HHS Officials Create a Plot for Worldwide Vaccines Two Years Ago, Right Before Our Eyes?
In an exclusive special emergency broadcast Monday night, Alex Jones of Infowars shared an alarming video of Fauci, along with HHS officials and other health experts, teaming up to devise a plan on enforcing Universal Flu Vaccinations. The gathering was arranged by Milken Institute in Washington, DC back in October 2019. (Watch Video: C-Span)
The hour-long video contained three specific clips that Alex Jones highlighted to prove that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned and that Big Pharma worked with the UN and other nefarious government officials to develop and release the COVID-19 virus ahead of what Jones described as the “Great Reset,” according to the Gateway Pundit.
Anthony Fauci along with the attendees discussed the concept of a new outbreak of novel avian flu virus from China which would allow them to bypass the protocol of FDA approval in order to enforce mRNA vaccine to the masses (Watch Video Clip). The panel came to the conclusion that “they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public,” according to the Gateway Pundit transcript quote of the video.
After seeing the entire video, it appears conclusive that they were all in agreement that the annual flu virus did not have the potential to move people to get universal vaccinations. Here we are 2 years after this event with what is being defined as a “terrifying virus,” to quote the language used in the video, a worldwide pandemic, and universal vaccines! Is this alarming observation just a misplaced coincidence with no application to COVID-19?
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To stop the rising trend of lower court judges granting national injunctions against the Trump administration's policies, the administration has filed an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court. Sarah Harris, the acting solicitor general, contended that these decisions go against the constitution and impair the executive branch's capacity to carry out its duties.