#Let’sGoBrandon Allows 5-million Barrels of Oil to be Shipped Abroad After Promising they’d Be Released to Lower Soaring Gas Prices

Wow! Those 2000 Mules really installed a real “Jackass” that just keeps on making decisions leaving the American people last! (GET THE BUMPER STICKER) Though the announcement was made back in April without much coverage from the lamestream media, “Biden authorized the release of a million barrels a day from April onwards. But his action has done little to combat soaring gas prices, with the national average sitting at $4.74 as of Tuesday - still far above the $2.28-a-gallon average from just before he took office,” according to a report from the Daily Mail.

Amidst soaring gas prices, Joe Biden has shipped five million barrels from the United States' Strategic Oil Reserve abroad, after claiming that releasing them would help ease Americans' pain at the pumps! And get this: Biden claims, “These releases will put more than one million barrels per day on the market over the next six months, and will help address supply disruptions caused by Putin's further invasion of Ukraine and the Price Hike that Americans are facing at the pump,” according to a Department of Energy (DOE) report

According to the Washington Post, “The release — the biggest withdrawal in the reserve’s more than 46-year history — would continue for the next six months, administration officials said, an indication that the Biden administration anticipates a prolonged conflict in Ukraine.

In an even more pathetic gesture, Biden had the audacity to blame U.S. oil companies for putting profits over production while calling on Congress to impose fees on companies that do not take full advantage of the leases allowing them to extract oil from federal land.

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