More Democrat Hypocrisy as Michigan Gov. Whitmer Breaks Her Own Pandemic Mandate!
How many times are we going to see Democrat dictators who enforce politically motivated pandemic mandates that they themselves publicly refuse to abide by themselves? In the most recent display of blatant hypocrisy, after breaking her own administration’s rule, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently rescinded a rule which limited the number of people that could sit at a restaurant table to six; yet another case of “What applies to thee, does not apply to me!”
Despite Whitmer’s blatant hypocrisy, she released a statement to the press, fiendishly saying “It was an honest mistake. I have apologized for it.” Whitmer’s clear hypocrisy comes on the heels of more than 280 Michigan employers who have been fined for violating China Virus orders, not to mention the many businesses which are still struggling as a result of her administration’s politically motivated mandates. However, when asked if mandate fines should be lifted on other businesses, Whitmer doubled down by repeating the political narrative which has become so apparent with many Democrat governors who hypocritically impose politically motivated rules on constituents of their states.
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