CNN Facing a Massive Credibility Crisis Retracts a Fake Story after being threatened with $100 million Lawsuit
As CNN has reported so many times before, an anonymous source, claimed the Senate Intelligence Committee was probing ties between the Trump administration and a Russian government-owned investment fund. The fake story, also claimed the Treasury Department was believed to be investigating President Trump Financier, Anthony Scaramucci, over a Jan. 16 meeting with a Russian fund's director general. It was that story that opened the door for CNN to be threatened by President Trump financier, Anthony Scaramucci, with a $100 million law suit which moved them to quickly retract the fake story.
White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders hit the nail on the head when she said Tuesday that she wasn't sure if CNN's handling of the matter was "good enough" for President Trump. Adding, "I think we have gone to a place where if the media can't be trusted to report the news, then that's a dangerous place for America, and I think if that is the place that certain outlets are going, particularly for the purpose of spiking ratings, and if that's coming directly from the top, I think that's even more scary," she said.
President Trump has called out CNN news and their extreme bias. (CNN) is now being exposed for what it really is, fake news, anti-Trump propaganda, and a political smear machine. CNN which is constantly competing with NBC news to be the most anti-Trump news network in the country, is under fire yet again, for once again pushing fake news.
CNN has been forced to retract several other fake news reports which were lies told to the American people. Just the past month alone. On June 16, CNN incorrectly tweeted that only the Dems prayed at the congressional baseball game. The day before that, June 15, CNN claimed that President Trump did not visit Scalise in the hospital. Earlier this month before the former FBI Director James Comey's congressional testimony, CNN again had to change a story that falsely stated that Comey would contradict President Trump's statements about not being under investigation by the FBI. All of this is just the beginning of the network's problems.
James O'keeffe's Project Veritas came out with a new video that apparently shows a CNN producer admitting the network's massive anti-Trump agenda. All the information relayed within the content of the video has not been verified, but some of the key parts within the video are quite shocking. John Bonifield, CNN Supervising Producer can be heard speaking candidly about the instructions that, CEO of CNN, Jeff Zucker handed down to keep emphasis on anti-Trump reporting, even with no valid proof of the truthfulness of the stories reported.
Here's a good joke; one main stream media source cited CNN CEO, Jeff Zucker, as saying "Viewers Trust CNN More Than Ever." You can even hear that being used as a tag-line on the network! Only Zucker, someone leading a fake news network and constantly pushing conspiracy theories and fake news would try to make that bizarre claim.
Some may say CNN is now one of the preeminent pushers of fake news propaganda in the country with an agenda to take down the President. Consider the recent Havard Report which notes that an alarming 93 percent of CNN's coverage of President Trump was negative. Zucker needs to face the consequences of his fakery! It's obvious that he doesn't care about reporting the facts truthfully and in an unbiased manner.
Instead of the barrage of Witch Hunting that we've seen within main steam media over the past year, here are six key issues that should have been both investigated and covered in the media to keep anti-Trump pundits out of the hot water they are about to be in.
1. James Comey had a friend to leak his memo to the New York Times to bring about a special counsel. Comey may have been committing a crime by unlawfully removing FBI property which could be a violation of the Federal Records Act.
2. According to Judicial Watch, Loretta Lynch may have obstructed justice. A by-partisan set of Senators are calling for an investigation. Why haven't the media been reporting on this. Remember, Lynch told Comey to call the investigation "a matter." By the way, we also know that Lynch met with Bill Clinton on a tarmac for 40 minutes before Comey let Hillary go free from the email investigation, in which she admitted that she was completely careless in her handling of top secrete and classified information, and destroying classified information.
3. The Hillary Clinton email server deserves an investigation by a grand jury. The original investigation was alledgely compromised by Comey and Lynch.
4. The Hillary Clinton/Russia collusion uranium one deal was a case of real collusion! Hillary Clinton, as secretary of State, signed off on 20 percent of America's uranium, the foundational material for a nuclear weapon, to go to Vladimir Putin! In addition, the people involved in the deal were kicking back millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation and her husband Bill Clinton was doubling his speaking fees in Moscow.
5. The only law that was clearly broken in the Russia collusion story was in the case of the unmasking and the leaking of intelligence against Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn and he is paying the price for this felony of breaking the Espionage Act.
6. Special Counsel Mueller is inexcusable and should be recused due to his many illegal direct conflict of interest. He is a member of Comey's team, picked one of Hillary's lawyers and people who donated to Hillary and Obama, and the Clinton Foundation to investigate President Donald Trump. Seriously!
These are the stories or scandals that main stream media should be focusing on; instead of the destroying of our President Donald Trump!
When it rains, it pours! From Sara Palin suing the New York Times to President Trump calling out CNN for their fake news reporting which led to the firing, most recently, of three journalist, we are finally at that long-awaited point of putting fake news pundits on notice. And now that the flood-gates are open let's see what pours out next!
Federal agents caught illegal aliens involved in a smuggling organization that brought 20,000 people into the United States.