Sheriff David Clarke Attacked by Liberal Media Pundits who accused Him of Plagiarism
Ok, here we go again with another hit piece from the left-wing media. It’s starting to become painfully obvious that frivolous and fake news is starting to become worse than junk mail or spam that clutters your email inbox whenever you are trying to find important emails! You can even go so far as to categorize today’s liberal media reporting to an empty “toilet paper roll” while you are sitting on the toilet in serious need of some toilet paper!
Here’s the “Diamond and Silk” rundown of the allegations that are being brought up against Milwaukee County Sherriff David Clarke. First of all, Clarke just accepted his appointment as the assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland security. There should be no surprise that an attack from liberal media would follow, as was mentioned in an article we wrote about his announcement
In an a nut-shell, according to a liberal media source, “Clarke lifted language from several sources and footnoted those sources, but did not use quotation marks to show he had used passages verbatim, despite school guidelines saying that material quoted word-for-word must be set off with quotation marks, or presented as indented text for longer passages, and be followed with a proper citation.”
Can somebody please get me some toilet paper for this left-wing liberal media frivolous nonsense? These allegations are both unfounded and an insult to the integrity of journalism. When will this tirade of negative fake news ever come to an end?
Sheriff Clark has denied the left wing media accusations. He wrote in an email to The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that "only someone with a political agenda would say this is plagiarism."
What should be noted about David Clarke is that, now in his fourth term as Milwaukee Sheriff, his voter percentage increased with each year he was reelected. In November of 2002 when he was elected, he earned 64% of the votes. In the years of 2006, 2010, and 2014 his victory margins were impressively 73%, 74%, and 79% respectively! Clarke graduated summa cum laude from Concordia University in Wisconsin with a degree in Criminal Justice Management, and a further testament to his qualifications as an excellent choice for his appointment as the assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland security, in 2003 Concordia honored him with their Alumnus of the Year Award. Sheriff Clarke is a graduate of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia—a prestigious school that trains law enforcement officials in management and leadership.
This is just a tip of the ice burg when it comes to some of the amazing things that Sheriff David Clarke has accomplished in his impressive career. “Don’t let the left-wing media get you twisted!” David Clarke is a good candidate for the position of assistant secretary to The Department of Homeland Security.
In his speech to Congress on Tuesday night, President Donald Trump criticized Democrats for their unrelenting partisanship, encouraging them to put the nation above politics and denouncing their unwillingness to acknowledge America's accomplishments.