“Smoking Gun” CoVid-19 Findings Revealed by Biological Warfare Expert Prof. Francis Boyle
Back in February 2021, Biological warfare expert Professor Francis Boyle revealed a scathing smoking gun report about coronavirus being engineered as a weapon designed “for efficient spreading in the human population.” At the heart of Prof. Boyle’s findings CoVid-19 novel coronavirus is described as possessing unique “gain-of-function” properties, making it a perfect bioweapon. Even more alarming, Prof. Boyle’s report confirmed that these new properties were from an artificial origin, not natural viral evolution. (In other words, there is a high probability that it was engineered.)
With current reports of “break through” cases being reported among the vaccinated, growing scientific revelations about the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines, and the Biden administration’s failure to investigate or hold China accountable for allegedly engineering a bioweapon which has impacted the whole world, we do well to revisit Prof. Boyle’s findings.
Professor Boyle appeared as a guest on the Alex Jones Show with his “smoking gun” findings. If you missed the report of Boyle’s findings, you can see the full interview and transcript--courtesy of this State of the Nation article: “Full transcript of “smoking gun” bombshell interview: Prof. Francis Boyle exposes the bioweapons origins of the CoVid-19 coronavirus.”
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