UCLA Health Hospital Anesthesiologist Escorted Off Hospital Property for Refusing Vaccination
With hospital personnel numbers drastically declining in the wake of government sanctioned vaccine mandates, a Conservative Brief article recently reported on yet another case in which an anesthesiologist, Dr. Christopher Rake, at a UCLA Health hospital in Los Angeles was escorted off hospital property and placed on unpaid administrative leave for refusing to get vaccinated for COVID-19. In a Tuesday video posted by The Beverly Hills Courier, Rake said: “This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes. But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to lose everything--job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.”
We all can learn a valuable lesson from Rake’s stand against vaccine mandates. We are in the midst of a Biden regime that seeks to control every aspect of the freedoms that we hold dearly. Will you comply in order to save your job, even if it means you may lose your very life?
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