HBCU Funding Cut From $45 Billion to $2 Billion Under Biden Spending Plan
In 2019 Michael Lomax, president and CEO of the United Negro College Fund, thanked President Donald Trump for his bipartisan bill that would permanently provide more than $250 million a year to the nation’s historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), along with dozens of other institutions that serve large shares of minority students. President Trump’s efforts to support HBCUs were repeatedly rejected by Democrats at the time, according to an AP News article. The mainstream media were also chopping at the bits to label President Trump as a racist.
Despite wishful campaign promises to increase HBCU funding made by Joe Biden, a recent article from The Moguldom Nation has revealed that the latest version of Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill includes a nearly $30 billion cut to HBCU funding.Promoting his “Build Back Better” plan, Joe Biden proposed $55 billion in funding to HBCUs. However,according to BNC News, when the bill went to Congress for reconciliation, it only allocated a total of $30.5 billion.
U.S. Rep. Alma Adams sent a letter to her colleagues in Congress to object to the drastic cut of the proposed funding of HBCUs (recorded in Congressional Records), requesting for $15 billion to be allocated back into the funding. However, her efforts fell on deaf ears as it was not approved. Instead, under the Biden regime HBCU funding fell from $45 billion to $2 billion with HBCUs now being pit in a competition for funding at pennies on the dollar, according to WBR News.
Looks like Joe Biden is really sending a message about how he feels about HBCUs, in our opinion. But wait! Didn't Joe Biden receive more black votes than any other president in history, including Barack Obama?
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To stop the rising trend of lower court judges granting national injunctions against the Trump administration's policies, the administration has filed an emergency appeal with the Supreme Court. Sarah Harris, the acting solicitor general, contended that these decisions go against the constitution and impair the executive branch's capacity to carry out its duties.