Shocking: Progressive Immune System Damage Discovered After Taking the Jab By Dr. Nathan Thompson
We have been bombarded with demands, mandates, and outright coercion to get the jab, even at the threat of losing our very livelihood. Doctors and medical professionals continue to follow rigid COVID-19 protocols which appear to have little or no effect, oftentimes leading many of us to conclude that entering into a hospital or complying to their directives is surrendering to certain death!
However, in an effort to push back against the deathly narrative that now threatens the lives of millions of people who are convinced to take the jab, several doctors and health professionals are taking a stand by revealing alarming statistics that the mainstream media refuse to investigate.
Dr. Nathan Thompson recently released a video entitled: “Dr. Nathan Thomson Tests Patient’s Immune System After Each Jab,” via the SGT Report website.
This is a “must watch” video that we encourage everyone to see and share! Now more than ever, we must all take a stand by advocating for our own personal safety in the face of the left’s attempt to force everyone to take the jab!
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