ICE Exposes Biden Admin Scandal Falsely Inflating Illegal Alien Arrest Numbers

By The Blog Source

Officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) disclosed that the Biden administration had exaggerated the number of illegal aliens arrested by counting individuals who had been processed and released into the United States as ICE arrests. Actual arrests have already eclipsed the total number of arrests made in 2024 since President Trump took office.

Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Todd Lyons argued that the Biden administration had misled the public by classifying individuals who had been freed as "arrests." Tens of thousands of inaccurately recorded arrests were discovered in 2024, according to a probe.

Under Trump's administration, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has made 32,809 arrests in a span of less than two months, which is substantially more than the 33,242 arrests made at large throughout the entire year of 2024. Since Trump took office, at least 1,150 gang members have been arrested, more than double the number from the previous year.

To deceive the American public about the steps that the United States government is taking to combat illegal immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has accused the administration of Vice President Joe Biden of altering arrest data. As stated by the acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Todd Lyons, an internal assessment discovered that the administration of Vice President Joe Biden had been labeling as ICE arrests individuals who had merely been processed and released into the United States. Lyons made the following statement to the press on Wednesday: "We have discovered that the previous administration was manipulating ICE data." "They were intentionally misleading the American people by classifying individuals who had been processed and released into the interior of the United States as arrests by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement."

The discovery highlights a striking disparity in the manner in which immigration enforcement is carried out under the administration of Trump. The Internal Revenue Service (ICE) has already surpassed the total number of arrests made in 2024, with 32,809 arrests made between January 20 and March 10. This amount is almost identical to the 33,242 arrests made at large over the entirety of the previous year. Officials pointed out that the total number of ICE arrests made under the Biden administration was exaggerated because they counted 113,431 "pass-through" arrests. These arrests were made in situations where ICE did not take any enforcement action and instead urged migrants to report to an ICE office.

Since Trump took office, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has begun its actual enforcement efforts, with a renewed emphasis on criminals and members of gangs. Over 1,150 people were suspected of being gang members, more than double the number arrested just last year. Of the latest arrests, 14,111 were convicted offenders, 9,980 had outstanding criminal charges, and over 1,150 were.

There was a record-breaking crisis at the southern border, which was exacerbated by the weak enforcement practices of the Biden administration. However, the Trump administration has already begun to reverse those policies. The government has not only increased the number of operations carried out by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), but it has also reinstituted the priority of deportation, established agreements with foreign nations to return their people, and initiated significant enforcement actions in sanctuary towns.

The crackdown appears to be having an effect, since there has been a dramatic decrease in the number of interactions at the border. In addition, the Department of Homeland Security has replaced the contentious CBP One app, which made it easier for migrants to enter the country, with a new program called CBP Home, which is intended to encourage people to choose to deport themselves.

The statement made by Lyons was that "we are empowering [ICE agents] to do their jobs." "After being prevented from performing their jobs in an efficient manner for a period of four years, our agents and officers are really looking forward to getting back to work and completing the agency's mission."

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