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Kid Rock’s ‘We the People’ Song :Let’s Go Brandon More than Just a Catch Phrase It’s A Movement

Kid Rock’s new song “We the People!,” which has skyrocketed on Itunes to first place, easily surpassing the likes of pop stars like Adele and Ed Sheeran who have advocated for turning away the unvaccinated from their shows, is an echo of what we all are thinking. “We the People” is definitely a perfect song for these times because it screams accountability and resistance from the Big Tech mafia, Black Lives Matter Movement, COVID mandates, all things Joe Biden, and lefties along with main-steam media like Rolling Stone magazine who published a hit piece article on Kid Rock’s song! 

Kid Rock’s “We the People” reminds us that “Let’s Go Brandon” is more than just a catch phrase, it’s a movement representative of one of the worst presidents in our country’s history. Patriotic American loving citizens of this country have been branded as domestic terrorist and white supremist for standing up against the Biden regime’s socialist communist agenda and Kid Rock’s “We the People” is a battle cry for all of us to do our part to stand against this current environment of political tyranny orchestrated by the Democrats and Republican RINOs.

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