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Biden Seeks to Extend U.S. National Emergency Due to COVI-19 Health Risk with No Authority to Do So

On Friday Feb. 18, an illegitimate Joe Biden attempted to extend the U.S. national emergency beyond March 1 which was declared in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A spineless Biden, had the audacity to use the bogus number of deaths attributed to covid as a precursor to the reason for extending a national emergency, a number which has been clearly conflicted with miscalculations and misinformation. Even the CDC has admitted that covid death counts were not accurate.

It’s obvious that Joe Biden is hoping to use the emergency declaration to hopefully create an opportunity for Democrats to invoke legislation that will allow them to steal another election, in our opinion. Proof of Biden’s illegitimacy can be further seen by the fact that his call for an extension of an emergency declaration comes in the face of a slew of local leaders in the United States are dialing back pandemic restrictions as the Omicron wave ebbs.

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Jenna Ellis joined Diamond & Silk on their Lindell TV/FrankSpeech.com Chit Chat Live show to answer questions about the Biden regime’s use of the national emergency declaration. From a legal and constitutional perspective, Biden has absolutely no authority.

There’s only one thing that we can say about Joe Biden’s call to extend the national emergency declaration: “Let’s Go Brandon!” It’s time to end the Biden Regime’s reign of tyranny and corruption ASAP!

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