Did Fox News Owner James Murdoch Engage in Election Interference?
If you’re still watching Fox News it might surprise you that the network occasionally takes a dark left-wing turn in its reporting. However, a glimpse into the background of the money that fuels the network clearly explains why. For starters, consider James Murdoch, the heir to Fox News. Murdoch invested $20 million in opposition to President Trump’s 2020 reelection, while pumping another $100 million into leftwing political nonprofit groups, according to a News Max report.
So the next time that you are tuned into Fox News under the impression that you are supporting a conservative news network, just remember the “devil is in the details!” Not only did the Murdoch family back Joe Biden’s candidacy, but according to the Financial Times report; the Murdoch’s are planning to reshape Fox News into an establishment media outlet. We all know what that means, another left-wing propaganda tool in the making!
Recently Diamond and Silk responded to the Murdoch’s leftwing influence over Fox News with the following response on Twitter:
“Hummm, this may explain why Fox threw Diamond and Silk under the bus!
Oh by the way, where is the FEC and isn't this considered Election Interference?
Just asking....”