Diamond & Silk Call Out Deep State Snake Republicans!
Diamond and Silk, in a recently released live stream, had a lot to say about the decision that was made by a Republican to revoke Mike Lindell’s VIP pass to the Republican Governors Association conference in Tennessee on Tuesday. Republicans, Brian Kemp and Doug Ducey were identified as the culprits behind Mike Lindell’s credentials being revoked. Only minutes after his acceptance to the event, Lindell was approached by a RGA staffer with the news that his credentials were revoked. Lindell was only given the explanation that it “has something to do with Brian Kemp and Doug Ducey.”
Diamond and Silk were fired up and had this to say in their live stream: “Mike Lindell has been on the battlefield fighting for voter integrity, especially with what happened in the 2020 elections! ...Brian Kemp needs to be replaced and Doug Ducey,” Diamond stated, as Silk co-signed with her renown “That’s right!” Diamond further pointed out: “Look at these two RHINOs, look at what happened in their states around the election.” Silk added: “That’s why I call them deep state snakes!...They are no different than Democrats. I call them Democrat plants!”
Diamond and Silk sounded the alarm for all conservatives to stand up and support Mike Lindell “Because, not only is he fighting with some of these companies that own some of these machines...but he also got to fight these doggone governors-deep state snakes,” Diamond said. Mike Lindell is on the frontline, taking all the heat, for the American people! The least we all can do to further the cause is to visit MyPillow.com, purchase something, and use the Code: DS21 to get 66% off of your purchase.