The RSC Advocates for Commonsense Immigration Policy
The Biden administration has opened the floodgates of the mass migration of illegal immigrants coming into the United States. Currently, over 60 million tax payer’s dollars are being spent to house illegal immigrant minors which will add up to 3.1 billion dollars a year! In April alone, border patrol agents encountered 162,406 illegal immigrants with 37,111 reported as “got aways.” The Biden administration continues to double-down on its lax approach to the growing border crisis, even welcoming many of these illegal immigrants with Airline tickets in order to be placed in predetermined states around the country!
Republican Study Committee (RSC) Budget Advocates Immigration Policies that Put Americans First
The Republican Study Committee is an ideological caucus made up of 153 Republicans, which was founded in 1973, has taken the initiative to develop U.S. immigration policy that will serve the interest of American citizens first. If the Biden administration can’t get the job done, it's time for true American loving patriots to step up to the plate! While some choose to turn a blind eye to the current border crisis, in its website the RSC noted the following principles that it plans to use in order to combat mass migration:
Immigration policy should protect our national security by protecting the American people from terrorism, cartels, and other threats to their safety;
Immigration policy should prioritize American workers, help grow our middle class, raise wages, and enhance economic opportunity for all lawful residents;
Immigration policy should respect the rule of law, along with immigrants that honor our legal immigration processes, rather than incentivize law breaking; and
Immigration policy should aim to assimilate legal immigrants into the American family so they too can take pride in our values, history, and heritage.
Visit NumbersUSA’s website to support and learn more about the frontline fight against the mass migration of illegal immigrants.