Gavin Newsom’s California “Woke” Prison Agenda
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more worse in California, 76,000 inmates, including violent offenders and repeat felons are about to be released on the streets of California! This number includes almost 20,000 inmates who are serving life sentences with the possibility of parole. In California, one of the most dangerous states in the nation, homicides are up by 50% and auto burglaries are out of control! Yet, Gavin Newsome thought it was a good idea to take a “woke” stand against mass incarceration by giving violent criminals an opportunity for an early release back into the already crime riddled streets of California.
It’s no surprise that 41 district attorneys, led by Sacramento DA Anne Marie Schubert, have filed a petition with the Secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) requesting a repeal. Schubert noted that “Allowing the early release of the most dangerous criminals, shortening sentences as much as 50%, impacts crime victims and creates a serious public safety risk.” In typical Democrat fashion, this draconian regulation to grant an opportunity for early release to thousands of violent criminals was announced on April 30 and went into effect on May 1 under the guise of a “claim of emergency.”
Schubert’s office, with the petition, is seeking to obtain a court order which would declare the regulations illegal. If the proceedings go as planned this would declare the “claim of emergency” regulations null and void requiring the CDCR to interact with the State’s Office of Administrative Law for public input and transparency.
If Gavin Newsome keeps this up, his woke agenda will have a rude awakening.