Diamond and Silk chatting live about the election and so much more. (Recorded on 11-20-20) Diamond and SilkNovember 21, 2020
Diamond and Silk Crystal Clear Show on Newsmax TV. "It's time to Uproot The Fraud" Diamond and SilkNovember 10, 2020
Biden's surrogate, Guy Smith, found out the hard way that he Zucked with the wrong two black women.... Diamond and SilkOctober 31, 2020
Diamond And Silk interviewed Joe Collins For Congress... He's running against Gansta-lean Maxine. Diamond and SilkOctober 26, 2020
Diamond and Silk on live 10-15-2020 discussing Ice Cube and the BLACK lash..... Diamond and SilkOctober 15, 2020
Brandon Tatum stops by to give us an update on the Breonna Taylor case. Diamond and SilkOctober 13, 2020
Diamond and Silk on live 10-08-2020. Talking about mask and orofecal.... Diamond and SilkOctober 8, 2020