Chit Chat Live 12-13-19: Diamond and Silk on on Chit Chat Live discussing: The Dems BS, the IG report and so much more.
Chit Chat Live 12-8-19: Diamond and Silk DiamondandSilk on Chit Chat Live giving their opinion about all of the BS that happened this past week while scratching the "ITCH" of the week.
Chit Chat Live 12-2-19: Diamond and Silk discuss the news of the week and scratching the "ITCH" of the week. "Oink, Oink"
Chit Chat Live 11-24-19: Diamond and Silk discuss the news of the week. "Feelings and Fishing expeditions""
Chit Chat Live 11-17-19: Diamond and Silk discuss the news of the week. "The Witnesses"
Chit Chat Live 11-11-19: on live discussing everything that went down this past week.
Chit Chat Live 10-21-19: Mick Mulvaney, Nancy finger pointing, Hillary conspiracy theory, President Trump question to Republicans and so much more
Chit Chat Live 10-13-19: The Whistleblower conflict of interest, President Trump blowing the whistle on the Democrats corruption and so much more.
Chit Chat Live from 10-8-19..... The Desperate Dems rushing to impeach, Shifty Schiff, Nervous Nasty & Crooked Joe.
Chit Chat Live from 9-30-19...The Witch Hunt 2.0, The Transcript, The Whistleblower Complaint, The MSM Lies
Chit Chat Live from 9-17-19... Chrissy Teigen, Whoopi Goldberg, Dave Chappelle, T.I., John Legend, Debra Messing, Jay Z NFL & Judge Kavanaugh.
Chit Chat Live from 9-3-19..... Deneen Borelli, Censorship and Interference into the elections.
Chit Chat Live from 8-26-19 Rev. William Barber statements about Jesus being a Socialist, The Flores Settlement loop hole, National Anthem removed from schools, Planned Parenthood defunded
Chit Chat Live from 8-19-19 discussing Antifa, Democrats Racist past, Gun Laws and so much more.......and so much more
Chit Chat Live from 8-12-19 discussing Epstein, Raids, Castro, Mississippi, Scaramucci and so much more
Chit Chat Live from 7-31-19 discussing POTUS tweets about the nasty conditions of Baltimore, Elijah Cummings, Al Sharpton, Mueller and so much more.
Chit Chat Live from 7-22-19 President Trump tweets, Nancy Pelosi "his words were Racist" quote, The Chant, Chuck Schumer, Why Bernie Sanders , Erica Thomas
Chit Chat Live from 7-16-19 Discussing Border Patrol, Detention Centers, Processing Centers and the Racist Democrat
Chit Chat Live from 7-1-19 Discussing President Trump making history, Socialist Democrat Debates, Terrorist Group Antifa, AOC and her ignorance, Obama-Gate Updates
Chit Chat Live 6-25-19: Chit Chat Live. AOC, Reparations, Kamala Harris, Taraji P Henson, Tyler Perry,